Jag Star is a band from Knoxville, consisting of two girls and a guy who’ll put the “pop with substance” back into your life with their first full-length album Crazy Place.
Formed in 1999, Jag Star consists of Sarah Lewis, lead vocals, J Lewis, guitars, and Erin Tipton, viola.
Sarah Lewis has won runner-up in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest for the first track on the CD, “Mouth,” the band won the Jim Beam BEAM award and also were finalists in the Lilith Fair Talent Search, all in 2001. Their music is currently featured on MTV’s The Real World.
Crazy Place is full of catchy lyrics and simple rhymes. It will leave you humming their tune all day. It’s the Goo Goo Dolls meet Fiona Apple.
Each song on the album catches a different emotion set to a different tune. From the upbeat “Mouth” to the depressing tribute “Favorite Angel,” Sarah Lewis and Jag Star have picked up what Britney Spears has left out: substance.
This is a band that shows its emotions well through the power of music. With lyrics like “I always thought I would be more than you/more than me” Jag Star isn’t quite rock but isn’t bland bubble gum pop either. “Better Girl” even borderlines Punk Rock with fast drum beats in the opening.
Jag Star has released “Mouth” on the local radio stations WAEZ and WRZK.
Jag Star is a band on the rise. If you like pop that is more than just a pretty face and meaningless boy watching, this is the band for you.
Jag Star’s previously scheduled show at the Otter has been cancelled due to the recent cancellation of the Otter itself. The band will be playing at Blue Cat’s in Knoxville on Saturday, Nov. 2.
