Bulletin: Today in Kabul members of the Afghan Taliban celebrated as it was announced that a horrible disease is afflicting young Americans.
Warfare has reached a new level. Instead of trying to gain domination of the world by force it will be done with information.
Due to the large amounts of wrong information the human brain has reached its limit. People are showing progressive signs of forgetfulness. Taliban is sending subliminal information through radio and television cables in hopes to overload the American brains. Their diabolical plan is that we will forget that they are there.
Please be advised if you stay educated, read, watch TV, go to the movies and listen to music. If you do these things your brain is on overload.
And a little known fact about this disease is that college is the number one cause.
Yes ladies and gentlemen attending class may actually be detrimental to your health.
Here’s how it works. By absorbing large quantities of information the brain begins to feel fatigued. A person then begins to exhibit weird behavior such as putting their keys in the freezer, the ice cream in the fridge and leaving the milk by the door. The symptoms will continue as long as people remain educated.
The Surgeon General is calling for a stupider America with a largely uneducated population in hopes to eradicate this disease.
The President will then rename himself as dictator.
Please be advised – stop attending class. It is dangerous to your health.
