Last week in the news “Babs” Streisand blasted President Bush for his support of a war in Iraq.
In my opinion, Barbara Streisand is one of the many “uninformed left” crawling around Democrat fundraisers and college campuses. The “uninformed left” still lives in the late ’60s and early ’70s not realizing that the rest of society has moved on.
It is easy to see that Streisand is quite uninformed, especially in the political realm. In a memo she sent to House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt last week, she said that President Bush was using the war on Iraq for political purposes. I wonder if she remembers when former President Clinton did a little “wag the dog” with the bombings in Sudan and Iraq during the Lewinsky scandal. Any true ’60’s liberal would have protested such useless acts of force, but not good ole “Babs.”
What is even more interesting is that Streisand’s memo was addressed to Dick “Gebhardt.” Surely a “big wig” from the politically correct Hollywood would have the resources to send a memo that was at least spelled correctly.
To add to the embarrassment, Sreisand misquoted Shakespeare in a fundraiser for the Democratic Party last weekend. For a lady of the theater and the fine arts, some might think that she would have known better. Where does her expertise lie?
This memo represents a bigger picture.
The “left” is constantly on the offensive making sure that the facts are correct. This absolutely cannot be true. Al Gore’s speech last week pointed out the need for a peaceful solution with Iraq, but in President George H. Bush’s term he supported the war in Iraq, as was reported in the Washington Post.
This is really a battle over politics! Do “Babs” and Al Gore really care about the people? No. They care about winning seats in the Senate and House, and the ultimate goal is the White House.
We know that both Clinton and Gore ignored threats of a possible terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Last year an article appeared on the Drudge Report saying that Sudanese Intelligence wanted to collaborate with the United States to apprehend Osama bin Laden but Bill Clinton wasn’t interested.
Sen. Robert Torricelli of New Jersey decided not to run on the Democratic ballot after much incriminating evidence was stacking up against him this week. His past follies include using his political action committee funds to pay for cell phones, a Harvard Club membership, a car lease, a speeding ticket for an aide, gifts for a department store and more than $4,000 in meals. This is naming just one of many abuses by the New Jersey senator.
How can the “left” honestly accuse the so-called “fundamentalist extremists right wing people-hating Republications” of wanting to get much use of the war on terrorism when it seems the Democratic Party has been doing a good job of using the American people for years?
There is not enough time in this semester or ink on the printing press to keep discussing the different abuses and faults of the “left.”
The truth is, a war on Iraq is going to happen and it makes the “left” very angry to observe the American people backing a Republican president.
