With seven new sports and a state-of-the-art facility, ETSU’s department of campus recreation is prepared to offer students and faculty its share of the hearty competition our campus is in need of.
Tennis and Ultimate Frisbee were added to this fall’s already existing indoor soccer, flag football and volleyball intramural leagues.
The spring additions include a 5-on-5 basketball league, outdoor soccer, softball, floor hockey and racquetball.
The new ETSU Center for Physical Activity, located on campus, will be the site for much of the intramural action. The two new intramural fields in the front and the back of the building are lit, allowing games to be played long after mother nature shuts off her lights.
“It seems like the teams are revved up about the new additions,” said Program Assistant Megan Archer.
Archer, 21, has participated in intramurals for the past three years and hopes to see more women on campus get involved.
Intramurals Coordinator Demond Thomas has seen the program grow in his four years here at ETSU.
“With indoor soccer finished and flag football underway, things are running the smoothest they ever have in my time here,” Thomas said.
There are 55 teams, seven of which are women’s, participating in flag football this semester.
“This is the largest amount of teams that ETSU’s intramurals program has ever seen, and we hope the numbers keep growing,” Thomas said.
The department will also be hosting an ETSU Homecoming 3-on-3 basketball tournament this fall and another Martin Luther King 3-on-3 in the spring.
Teams interested in participating in any of the sports may pick up and submit rosters in the administrative office on the second floor of the CPA. Deadlines for submission and captain meeting dates for each sport are posted in the facility, as well as schedules for games.
There is a $20 forfeit fee for each team due at the captains meetings.
For information call Demond Thomas at 439-7980 or visit www.etsu.edu/student/intramur/ intramurals.htm.
