Students in the dental hygiene department have been working hard to brighten the smiles of ETSU’s students and faculty.
Appointments for teeth cleaning and fluoride treatments can be scheduled through the campus clinic for only $15.
“This gives the seniors studying in the dental department the opportunity to practice on other students and staff,” said Paula Vance, executive aide for the dental department.
The program that is offered allows students on campus that aren’t covered by medical insurance a way to get his or her teeth cleaned at a reasonable cost.
“The only thing that remains an issue for students about coming into our clinic is the time factor,” Vance said. “Students wanting their teeth cleaned first have to come in for a dental screening that takes 45 minutes. After the initial screening has occurred, students have to set up another appointment for another screening which takes an hour and 45 minutes.”
To maintain healthy teeth outside of the dentist office these tips by the web dental office web site at can be utilized.
People should avoid foods with high concentration of sugar in favor of foods rich with nutritious ingredients but without sugar.
According to the web dental office web site, dental plaque is the most common type of dental problems.
Dental plaque is the soft, sticky layer of bacteria on the surface of gums and teeth, particularly along the gum-line.
It can be removed relatively easily by regular brushing. Plaque is made up of millions of bacteria. About 70 percent of the dry weight of the plaque is bacteria, the remainder being carbohydrate and other substances of saliva.
Regular brushing is the best way to get rid of plaque and avoid oral health problems.
To make your appointment, call the dental hygiene department on campus at 439-4514.
