Social work students at ETSU now have the option of furthering their careers. Starting in fall of 2003 there will be a master’s of social work program at ETSU.
In the past, students could attain a BSW upon graduation, which would allow jobs at entry level at social work agencies. Now upon completion of the MSW program, students can start their own agency.
Many students are looking forward to the start of the program.
“I would like to be admitted to the program,” said Shelly Davis, a senior in psychology. “It would be nice to attend the program here instead of moving away to a school that I’m unfamiliar with.”
The department has great hopes for the program. “Social workers will always be need,” said Dr. James Ayers, chair of the social work department, “their function is something computers can never replace.”
For more info, please contact the social work department.
