Dear Editor:I am writing this in response to the column “ETSU Should Consider Their Customer First” article by Marianne Steffey.
I feel that if Steffey is going to write an opinion article, she should at least try and make it interesting by catering to her audience, not herself. She should also try to get the facts straight.
I would like to inform her that there is little correlation between parking tickets and her car getting broken into. The Public Safety officers that investigate break-ins and patrol the campus are officers who have the same authority as state troopers. They are not the same officers who go around and give you parking tickets.
In regards to her employment, no one cares if she works as a bartender until the “wee hours of the morning.” All of us have to get up and go to class every day. She should deal with it or get another job.
If she thinks that ETSU should make parking a first-come first-served thing, she’s crazy. The teachers don’t get paid enough to give up their parking spots simply because she doesn’t want to walk to class from the parking lot beside Buck’s Pizza.
If Steffey wants to complain about parking, she should go to the University of Tennessee for a while. The commuters line up at 6 a.m. the day parking tags go on sale so they can pay $200 to park in lots where there is an average of about five cars to every one space.
Her statement referring to the Center for Physical Activities in which she said, “people need to start wearing that place out,” is total ignorance. Have she ever been to the CPA or does she think “exercise” is that treacherous walk she makes from her parking space to a building?
Since it seems like she has never been to the CPA, I would like to let Steffey know that it is always packed. Most of the time I have to wait for a cardio machine, and all the aerobics classes are full. I find the CPA to be a good use of money, but that may be because I use it.
I would also like to comment on her complaint about the Apple computers in Warf-Pickel. If she is planning on a career in journalism, she will more than likely use Apple computers. Just an F.Y.I., “dude,” ETSU does have Dells.
Could Steffey simply not find anything better to write about? She should seriously consider the fact that while she is in college there are more important and interesting issues to write about.

Erin Vineyard
