This world is full of double standards. This is no revelation. I’m sure that if you look at yourself you will find that you actually have double standards in places of your life and pieces of your soul where you never expected to find them.
The one double standard that is everywhere is the way women and men are looked at sexually. Not biologically speaking, but more along the lines of a media induced frenzy about image and what people do when the media becomes an influence in a personal issue and runs with it.
It is now more than ever socially acceptable for a woman to want to “get laid.” I’m not quite sure if the female population is enjoying it because sex is good or because they are stamped by a label that says they will never be loved or respected if they don’t act like the media tells them to. It’s OK to want to have sex, and it’s OK not to want to have sex.
TV, film, etc., have women constantly showing more and more of their bodies. Let’s face it; sex sells and we gobble it up and store it away in our memory for those late nights. It’s a fact.
Look at the movie Striptease, the video by Christina Aguileria “Dirrty” and all the novels by Danielle Steele. Look at how much money those business ventures have made.
In Aguileria’s new song she says she is “sweating til her clothes come off.” If you’ve seen the music video then you’re aware that she’s backed up her words. This only reinforces the idea that she wants to “get laid.” What else could she mean after she has done nothing less than sell not only her voice but her body as well. What is so sad is that she has masked her talent behind her body.
She can really sing but the emphasis has been moved from her voice to her vagina. I wonder if that has been her intention the whole time. She has forgotten her voice.
Meredith Vierra, host of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” has recently proclaimed herself to be a “horny old woman.” I don’t think she would have said that 30 years ago on a national TV show. It would have been heavily edited. Has she fallen under the sexual spell or was she just being honest?
The double standard here is mostly women selling the sex. Where are all the men? How often is a man pictured feeling the breeze through his boxers on a billboard hanging over Times Square?
More than half of the world is female. Take a look around. In almost every class I have the women out number the men. Why?
If the market says sex sells, and half of the marketing world is female why not cater to the market by selling images that females will enjoy?
In short, let’s see some men dancing around a pole. Let’s see them scantily clad in skimpy running shorts or jeans that hug their hips just right. Men’s fashion is baggy jeans, loose dangling shirts, jackets and pieces that actually cover up their bodies as opposed to the women’s tight shirts and short skirts.
Let’s forget that old double standard that it’s ok for women to show all, but when a man does he’s either labeled gay or pornographic. Why is it considered art to have a woman pose almost nude or show her breast but when a man shows even the slightest hint of his penis it is considered rude and offensive. It’s just not fair.
So what should we do? One option is that guys wear something that we just can’t help but look at or something that says they aren’t afraid to show a little muscle, leg or any other appendage you would like. If anyone says anything just tell them they need to look away or get rid of that double standard that is weighing their sexual freedom down.
The second option is we can stop buying the material that sells sex. But that is never gonna happen.
Learning to realize what you can change now and what you have to work on changing later is just a part of life. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!
We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours!
