ETSU’s Gospel Ensemble have not been only singing praises unto the Lord, but are now currently representing themselves in a fashion that makes people want to listen. Though the group has fulfilled many goals over the years, in its beginning it started off with nothing.
Before 1994 the choir was under Baptist Student Union leadership and was unable to receive funding because it did not meet the requirements of being a student organization. To receive funds, the group under the advisement of Laura Terry wrote a constitution to get a fresh new start and become acknowledged as a student organization.
“We started off at ground zero, and worked ourselves up,” Terry said. The group received SAC funds and love offerings to get their choir robes.
Under the leadership of two new directors, Robbie Hale and Kevin Scott and a new president, Jarret Bush, Gospel Ensemble has gained maturity and captured the true meaning of their gospel music.
“With Robbie keeping focus on the music that we sing, the choir has inspired more to come forward,” Terry said.
The group has participated in the National Baptist Student Retreat numerous times throughout the years. The event is held every year in a different location. From St. Louis, Mo., in 2001 to Memphis this year, the 50-plus choir members will unite their voices in praise and worshiping.
Darrell L. Sims, a senior who has participated in the choir for several years, said that under the new directors the spirit is now higher than it has been ever before.
“The only thing I would like to see is the choir travel more,” he said. “They could benefit by exploring different churches and learn more by singing in different programs.”
The choir has become very diverse since the Public Performance Scholarship waivers for out of state students. The scholarship requires a 2.5 grade point average and that the students participate in all performances and in various community service activities. The recipients also must carry themselves in leadership roles within the organization.
During the week of homecoming the ensemble has planned many activities, the first starting with the 2002 Homecoming Proclamation.
On Oct. 20 there will be a Gospel Festival in the D.P. Culp Center auditorium at 3 p.m. On Oct. 22 the choir will perform at “The Spirit of Python,” a spiritual and religious program at 7:30 p.m. also in the Culp Center auditorium.
