Monday’s Homecoming Proclamation kicked off a week of activities as Homecoming 2002 creates a sense of Buc pride on campus.
Speakers included Johnson City Mayor Duffie Jones; Mike Browder, president of the ETSU Alumni Association; and Dr. Wayne Andrews, vice president of administration, who spoke on behalf of Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist.
Jones wished ETSU a wonderful week of homecoming and congratulated those participating for their roles in leadership. She said ETSU’s faculty and staff are one of Johnson City’s finest resources because of their participation in the school and community.
Sundquist sent a written proclamation declaring Oct. 19 ETSU’s homecoming day across Tennessee.
Browder represented the 60,000 alumni of ETSU and reminded students that these are the times when they are “building precious memories” for their future.
Homecoming king and queen court candidates were announced.
Queen court candidates are Shelley Brown (Alpha Delta Pi), Mandy Crowe (Sigma Kappa), Priya Ponnapula (Alpha Xi Delta), and Katie Lennon (Kappa Delta). King court candidates are Kobelah Bennah (Alpha Kappa Lambda), Daniel Kyle (Sigma Chi), Graham Davidson (ROTC), and David Nutter (Resident Hall Association).
ETSU’s band along with the Silent Bucs concluded the proclamation by leading the audience in singing the alma mater. Free food and a pep rally followed the proclamation.
This year’s homecoming theme, “Remember when: A look through the decades,” helps area residents and students celebrate ETSU’s 91st homecoming.
The Homecoming Committee and Student Government Association members and officials helped put together this week of celebration and pride.
The homecoming game will start at 2 p.m. on Saturday with the Bucs vs. Elon.
For additional information, contact Student Life and Leadership at 439-5675 or stop by their office located on the first floor of the D.P. Culp Center.
