According to the New American Webster Dictionary, peace is harmony in human relations, tranquility, quietness.
Why does fighting for peace matter? I have received many rebuttals in the Johnson City Press calling for war with Iraq. The Bush administration claims Iraq is a growing threat to the United States of America’s allies in the Middle East.
America cannot sit by and let Saddam Hussein threaten its neighbors in the region. The administration claims Iraq is building weapons of mass destruction. I say, where is the proof?
This Bush administration also claims that Iraq is producing biological weapons and will use them if we don’t intervene.
The Arabs in the region haven’t complained to the United Nations and certainly haven’t cried out to the United States for help.
I find this troubling and very strange.
The administration also says that Iraq will have nuclear capabilities within a year if we don’t invade before Saddam Hussein decides to use such weapons on his neighbors. The facts are that Iraq’s neighbors haven’t asked for any help or intervention from the United Nations or the United States.
Our allies have repeatedly asked us to let the United Nations do its job and use diplomacy as a peaceful means to resolving the issue.
This administration has asked both the Congress and the U.S. Senate for a resolution for war without our allies’ consent and the approval of the United Nations.
This administration is racing toward war without even our closest allies’ support. Even Russia and China are opposed to the United States invading Iraq, which will take millions of Americans to fight and win.
You will be fighting an unjust war and dying for a cause that is not America’s.
Why should America use diplomacy and the United Nations before we attack a nation that has not attacked us? American’s will perish and our country will be viewed as the world’s aggressors. As leaders of a free world we should be exploring every avenue for peace.
The world will be watching us attack and kill innocent people and will know that we have failed to be leaders in international peace efforts. This is not what America is about and we as Americans should be letting this appointed president know what we think.
What is the cost to America and what are the benefits for peace?
The costs are enormous because Americans will be dying in Iraq and our credibility will further be eroded with our allies and our friends in the Middle East.
Half a million Americans will be sent to fight and many of them will not be coming back. The cost to our economy and to our nation will be staggering and our adversaries will be even more alarmed at what they see if we fail in our endeavor for peace.
Our benefits will be peace and proof to the Arabs and the world that America uses diplomacy and is not the big bully as other nations claim we are.
What good can the United Nations be if we don’t let them do their job which is to settle world disputes.
America can show the entire world that we are indeed leaders and that we truly desire peace.
