Dear Editor:First of all let me express my gratitude for the East Tennessean’s suport in covering the SGA and relaying our ongoing work to the student body of ETSU. We are fortunate to have a student paper working hard to deliver the facts in an objective manner to our constituents.
However, the recent article covering the Oct. 8 meeting of the SGA and our 606 Allocation process is in need of some correction.
While I have no doubt that Amanda Greever’s objective was to report the facts, she did not report accurate information. I assume this is a result of a lack of understanding of our process and the fact that the meeting most likely appeared very confusing to many people.
The information that needs to be changed is as follows:
“There were five groups that did not receive funding.” Only two groups did not receive funding. These two groups are Respiratory Therapy First Year and the Art Student League.
Both of them in essence withdrew their applications thus expressing consent for not receiving any funding. Public Relations Student Society of America, Alpha Psi Omega and the Cycling Club all received funding.
Furthermore, I only broke one tie-vote, and that was to table the SGA funding application until Oct. 15. The OLA (Orientation Leaders Association) vote had the majority of the senate voting in favor of it.
I would like to address many student concerns over the 606 Allocation process.
The student who was quoted in the article as well as many others have expressed interest over how the process is handled.
I encourage anyone who has a complaint or suggestion to come by our office on the first floor of the Culp Center and fill out a suggestions and grievances form. We will thoroughly review and consider any information we receive.
Also, please contact any member of the SGA, especially your senators and express your concerns.
President (Jennifer) Berry, Secretary (Priya) Ponnapula and I will be more than happy to hear anyone’s opinions or to help people get in touch with their respective senators.
As always, we are working hard to serve the students here at ETSU. We want people to be involved in all the positive aspects of campus life. We would love to hear from more students.
Please feel free to come by our office, call us at 439-4253, or drop us an e-mail at

Aaron B. Caton
SGA Vice President
