Ten people are now dead around the Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Va., area, and the gun control lobby is on the loose.
After the shootings started, the gun control opportunists came out in full behind Sarah Brady just waiting for the chance to clamp down on the guns of middle class Americans.
Now we have the push for “ballistic fingerprinting” which is supposed to take care of all the problems in the gun world. Ballistic fingerprinting can be altered unlike DNA or other biometric data.
In order for this ballistic fingerprinting to work some assumptions must be made.
The firearm barrel and firing pin have not been modified, replaced, deformed or falsified with new ballistic markings.
Seeing that most criminals are honest God-fearing persons we definitely do not have to worry about them falsifying new ballistic markings.
Then 200 million gun-owning Americans would have to bring their guns into labs to be fired for ballistic fingerprinting. I know that the trustworthy criminals will be the first in line to register for ballistic fingerprinting.
Once you get all the 200 million gun-owning fundamentalists to bring in their guns for fingerprinting, a database must be created to store all of this information.
Once at the crime scene of a shooting a shell casing from the person’s gun must be recovered. The person, a now supposed criminal, probably a NRA member, must still possess the fireman used in the crime at the same address listed in the database.
This ballistic fingerprinting is based on assumptions that criminals simply are not going to follow.
The California Department of Justice, Bureau of Forensic Services, said ballistic fingerprinting was “impractical.”
Maryland and New York use “ballistic fingerprinting” and have not solved a single crime by using the system.
Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D-Md.) who is supporter of gun control has found herself in a scandal concerning background checks on gun buyers. Townsend, who is running for governor in Maryland and is a supporter of ballistic fingerprinting, has failed to use the $6.7 million from the National Instant Criminal History Improvement Program for the background checks.
Last week, in the House Judiciary Committee, the Maryland State Archives refused to cooperate with the FBI on background checks until it received $45,000 from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. What happened to the $6.7 million from NCHIP?
My point is that the gun control lobby needs to concentrate on the criminal before they attack honest gun-owning Americans. Townsend like other gun control supporters should make sure that money is going to protect its citizens and not continue to demonize Second Amendment supporters.
