At any given moment one can walk in Ace High Tattoo shop, the Casbah or even 7th Street Saloon and Caf in Bristol and find at least one of the members of local metal favorites One30Edge hanging out.
These guys are masters of personal promotion and metal defiance. One30Edge is what it is today because of the sweat on their brows.
Hard work and perserverance, not to mention the music, is what makes this band one of Johnson City’s finest.
Members are Brad Tester (guitar), Gene Hughes (guitar), Tony Hensley (bass) and Daniel Bratton (vocals).
They are interviewing a new drummer and the decision should come before the release of new material.
Violent by Design, their latest full-length EP, sold out in a matter of months. Pressure has been mounting for the release of the next album. The record left fans wanting more of Bratton’s spine-tingling wail, Testers and Hughes chilling riffs, and Hensleys hellfire bass.
“It is definitely our best album,” said Tester.
“It was three years in the making,” said Hughes.
One30Edge has learned a lot about the industry in the four years they have been a band. They have found that promotion and publicity is the biggest obstacle they face.
“Except for a few, there is a lack of venues for our music in this area,” Bratton said.
The live shows feature bone-crushing mosh pits and screams of delight emitted from Bratton.
“We give you your money’s worth visually as well as in the audio,” Tester said.
The music is written by the band as a group. The process is one member comes up with a riff, Bratton writes the words, and the rest builds upon the foundation. It is pure genius collaboration.
To be a metal band, the members of One30Edge have an eclectic taste in music. It ranges from the pop culture to underground metal with each individual taste opening more of the person’s inner beauty.
They put to music that edge that creeps up your spine at 1:30 in the morning and slaps you in the face again and again. It is a most rewarding experience to take in all that these men represent.
Power, hate, defiance, and the undying understanding of what it truly is like to call yourself metal is nothing but a lifestyle to One30Edge.
Catch One30Edge along with Wormwood:Earth, Omega Tribe, Blindsight, and more at the American Legion in Bristol on Nov. 2.
If you miss that one, catch them also at the Casbah Dec.13. Check out some great downloads and more information at
