In preparation for next week’s 606 funding meeting, SGA is working to improve the way the meetings are handled.
“Our meetings have gotten pretty rough,” said Aaron Caton, SGA vice president.
Caton went over a list of proper meeting procedures that should be followed at each and every meeting, according to SGA’s Code of Laws.
Some of these procedures include requiring a senator to stand while addressing the Senate, allowing an opportunity for discussion and subsequent withdrawal of all motions, and the chair requesting that the minutes document senators called out of order.
Some of the procedures mentioned tie into the previous 606 meeting held Oct. 8.
Discussion will be limited to 30 minutes on any individual topic.
Senators are not allowed to openly address non-SGA members during the meeting except for guest speakers.
Speaking time will not be yielded to non-SGA members unless the chair deems it appropriate.
Dr. Sally Lee, SGA advisor, said that the way 606 funding is currently being handled is not the way it should be done. It is the job of the 606 Funding Commit-tee to do the work and make funding recommendations. It is the role of the Senate to approve the committee’s findings. At a previous SGA meeting, the Senate redid all of the committee’s work, she said.
Sen. Chris Ziegler updated the Senate on the rezoning of land at the corner of State of Franklin and West Market Street. He will be presenting the SGA’s resolution to Johnson City Commis-sion on Nov. 7.
Sen. Ethan Flynn asked the Senate to reconsider last week’s vote for a resolution opposing the rezoning, saying he would like to change his vote now that he has a clearer understanding of the issue. The motion was denied because there were no grounds for a re-vote.
