College is an expensive institution paid for by using many outlets. Some pay for college through loans, grants or other types of financial aid. Many take the alternative route of working themselves through college.
Many choose careers in the retail business but it is mostly the food service industry offering flexible hours and fast cash through tips that appeals to students.
However, the work is hard, long, seldom satisfying and the customers make the job even less wonderful sometimes.
The worst case scenario is just around the corner every day those in the business wrap on their aprons and head to work. Those whiny customers who expect to get something for nothing are the worst enemies of a server or bartender.
I’m not sure everyone understands or even cares that servers and bartenders work for tips.
So let me explain the typical workday of a person in the restaurant business.
After a long day at school we head into the doors of our work place with lots on our mind and even more weight piled on our back from those heavy backpacks. We are in constant motion.
At our jobs the policy is “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.” It is strictly enforced at a restaurant ( as it very well should be) that workers are expected to work even if they are not waiting on anyone at the time.
We are at the whim of customers the entire time we are on the clock. Whatever wish is commanded we are to obey. This really isn’t that bad if the reward for all the labor is paid with a good tip of at least 15 percent of the total bill. The downside is most of us aren’t paid enough to work out the little extra duties that are required of us. We clean the store from top to bottom and then return home with money in our pockets (sometimes good money, other times embarrassing profits) to fall into bed.
The average pay for a server or bartender, depending on the years of service, is a measly $2 an hour. That isn’t much when the paycheck comes every two weeks. It really isn’t even enough to make the smallest payment on living expenses. Sad, huh?
Tipping is where the money is to be made up that was lost on the paycheck. Servers are required, by state law, to claim for taxes at least 8 percent of their total sales for the evening. If you make more tips that’s excellent but most of the time you don’t!
It is a mere insult to walk out of a restaurant without tipping. It is rude and uncalled for! Even a mere dollar is better than nothing. Yes, even a dollar is an insult when the bill comes up to more than 10 bucks.
I know that the economy is at a scary point and unemployment is rising, but just think about this for a minute. Why go to a restaurant that expects you to tip a server when you aren’t planning on doing so? If you are too broke to tip 15 percent, go somewhere you won’t have to tip. McDonalds loves to see you smile but servers sure as hell won’t be smiling when they see that buck on a $30 tab. Go somewhere you won’t be expected to dish out any more money if you can’t tip. That’s just the bottom line.
And also, talk to your server. They are humans, too. Believe it or not it is hard to let some of the things within the workplace just roll of your back. We do get mad at you for yelling at us or blaming us for something we have no control over especially when you walk out without leaving a dime.
In the true spirit of fast food, most of us aren’t Burger King either and you’re not going to get it your way. What is on the menu is what is in the kitchen. Most of us will be happy to leave off an item that you dislike but don’t go making up your own concoction because you are picky. The cooks are also human and stunts like this don’t make them happy either. It’s a chain reaction.
We can also tell when you give us looks of inferiority. We are not beneath you and most of us are more educated than those who sit in our section.
Don’t get me wrong. The job of a server or bartender is very rewarding for the most part. You meet new people everyday. It’s just those few who ruin it for everyone. Once you have had that one problem table your night is ruined.
So next time you sit down for a meal or a beverage in an establishment that requires tipping, smile at the server and leave him or her an extra dollar or two. It will be well worth your while. You may even notice them fighting over who will be serving you. Wouldn’t that be a great feeling? Do us all a favor and take care of the people in the restaurant business. They work hard and greatly deserve it.
