The New American Webster Dictionary defines “liberal” as favoring progress and reform in social institutions and the fullest practicable liberty of individual action.
That is what Sen. Paul Wellstone stood for and that is what I’ve been fighting for.
We should thank the living Lord for the man who chose to take a stand against the tide and President Bush. He stood up against war and died a hero representing peace.
Wellstone was a liberal through and through. He died believing that Americans should not perish in war. The last vote he cast was against the administration. He was not pleased with what the Bush administration has done to our economy and our foreign policy.
Wellstone stood up and said no to war. He died firmly believing in his cause and we should be willing to take a stand for our cause by voting.
Wellstone was a real hero. Going against the grain and those who you agree with requires strength and courage. That made Wellstone a hero.
I wrote to the Senator three weeks ago and told him I was proud of him for taking a difficult stand. I told him I prayed God would bless him and his family in fighting for peace.
I didn’t know him, but that didn’t stop me from taking a stand in what I believe and writing to him.
My heart is heavy and my soul is burdened because of the threat of war and because of the death of this man.
He was a man who wanted American’s to live. He was a liberal and he wore that badge proudly.
The man who stood for Americans is dead but through his death peace will live on. Hopefully peace will live on even stronger in the hearts and minds of all Americans who desire peace.
Being a liberal is all about caring for peace and caring for those who can’t care for themselves. It is about speaking for those who cannot speak and standing against the tide of war and the corruption that is destroying everything America stands for.
The Senator gave the last full measure of devotion for peace and his death should spark a fire in the hearts and minds to carry forth the banner of peace. We must carry on this fight that he has so nobly advanced and we cannot fail.
We should fight as Wellstone did against an unjust war – Bush’s war – and those who stand for war.
Remember that every vote counts. Open your eyes and see what a real liberal stands for.
We should be willing to change and use Wellstone’s life and death as an example. We need to see what a great American he really was.
I am proud to be a liberal and I’ll wear that badge with pride. Every time someone calls me a liberal I will remember Wellstone and remember that the liberal stands for reform in social institutions, progress and the fullest practicable liberty of individual action.
Wellstone lived and fought for those values.
He proclaimed peace to those voices that shouted for war. Wellstone’s voice will forever be silent and those voices for war are louder.
America is a sadder place because we have lost such a great man.
So long to a man who defended the poor and the downtrodden. So long to a liberal who made a difference in so many lives. So long.
