Blindsight is a band exploding into the area rock scene after only months of formation and promises to be a major force in the Tri-Cities.
The members are Thomas Roark (vocals), Brian Tester (drums), John Woods (bass), and Dave Shirley (guitar).
Roark’s voice is impressive with members of the band calling it “angelic.” He also composes the lyrics. He says his main inspiration is events that occur in his everyday life that he thinks people can relate to.
“Sometimes things will happen that are unrelated and I just tie them together in a twisted way,” Roark said. “I just want to take all that’s happened and express it somehow and maybe no one will ever know what I mean.”
The backbone of the music is headed by masterful guitar riffs and heavy drum and bass lines. Shirley, Woods and Tester provide the edge that makes the music rock n’ roll.
“We are not trying for the heavy edge,” Tester said. “It just comes natural.”
“We have a good backbone and a heavy bottom,” said Woods.
Blindsight has paid its dues by opening for almost every established rock act in the Tri-Cities and now its time for them to make their own crowd.
“This band has so much to offer,” said Shirley. “We play for everybody’s crowd.”
Blindsight has a goal of growing with and through their music. Live performances have proven that the band has nowhere to go but up. The band has a tight form and sound which is impressive for a band that has only been playing together for eight months.
“We are always open to suggestions,” said Tester. “None of us are on an ego trip.”
“It’s a thrill to us all when we find we can get out and connect with people,” said Roark.
Blindsight has a unique sound which is sure to appeal to even those who aren’t fans of heavier music. At the same time, the edge is there that drives you to get lost in the depths of the music.
Blindsight will definitely be an enjoyable experience for even the harshest critic. The band is sure to make waves in the area.
Checkout Blindsight on Saturday, Nov. 2, at the American Legion in Bristol at 9 p.m.
