Maybe you stayed up until 2 a.m. last Saturday day night pushing back your cuticles and watching Footloose.
Perhaps you or someone you know often spends their time smoking cigarettes while staring at the wall.
You may have even sat down and tried to remember the names of all the people you’ve ever made out with when you were really, really bored.
We are all entitled to wither away our very few hours on earth doing things such as that. Plus, very well manicured hands and feet never hurt anyone.
It is often difficult to fathom or understand how in a world in which we are provided with countless amounts of things to keep us entertained, anyone could ever be overcome by an overwhelming sense of boredom. But hey, it happens, even to college-age individuals.
One would think that with all the pizza eating, studying, beer drinking and debauchery that college students engage in on a daily basis that they could never be bored. Nothing is further from the truth.
Generally speaking, you are bored when you have nothing to do, when you are doing the same things over and over again, or when you are doing something you have no remote interest in. All is not lost when one has reached this point. A lack of “joie de vivre” can help one come to appreciate other joys.
Aside from the monotony of class schedules, studying, and taking naps, droves of smelly, sleep-deprived college students are confronted with the fact that it may be possible to use various slots of free time to do things they actually want to do. Although chemistry problems and U.S. pre-World War I foreign policy are ever so yummy, other things can be just as life changing.
As the vibrant fall leaves start to cover the delicate grassy knolls that make up ETSU’s campus, opportunities to cure boredom instantly arrive. I’m sure it has been way too long since any of us have thrashed around in some dead leaves. So get busy.
Find a tall woody plant with lots of shed leaves and you’re ready for a good time. With eager body, wide-eyed grin and deep-throated giggles, drop to the ground and grab handfuls of nature’s confetti launching it towards the heavens, all the while partying like its fall 2002. Do this until your body can do no more, and then cuddle up against its trunk.
Engaging in activities such as this can be especially beneficial to guys concerned with showing off their manliness. Believe it or not, acting like a giddy little girl can help college-age men feel more secure in their masculinity.
Make your very own rap music video. You’ll need a hot car with nice rims, a large pool which you will surround with scantily clad women (the one at the CPA will do), and some thick gold chains around your neck. Do it to whatever rump-wiggling tune you like.
However, any Public Enemy song is highly recommended. If you can choreograph a dance routine and manage to find some women willing to run around in thong bikinis simply for the sake of art, you are ready to get crunk, my friend.
Break the cycle of boredom and get shakin.’ Yeaaaah booiiii. On the real.
Extra special dental hygiene can also come about as a result of boredom. Your mouth deserves to smell fresh and sparkling clean all the time. Make extra special good use of your toothbrush, floss, mouthwash and tongue scraper. Fight millions of bad breath germs while brushing away yucky food and plaque buildup. Just think, after devoting a more significant amount of time to your oral health you will feel like a new, more invigorated person. One may even feel the need to tell all of their friends about it.
“Guess what Stephanie? Todd asked me out! And what’s better is that I have brushed my teeth twice already today in order to remove excess plaque and food stuck in between my lower right second bicuspid and lower right first molar. My tongue is also the cleanest it has ever been. Isn’t that wonderful?”
Many students may find themselves getting into mischief when they have nothing else to do.
“My best friend and I like to go to really expensive stores and not check our bags when we go in. We then proceed to walk around looking exceptionally suspicious while making fun of the items loudly. When the undercover security people arrive, we turn the tables and start following them around and end up chasing them around the whole store,” said Kelly Bernhardt, junior. “It’s a great way to have fun while showing them how silly it is to judge someone as a ‘no-good-nick’.”
Love yourself enough to stay constantly entertained.
Knowing that you have writhed around in nature’s bounty of dead leaves, produced your own rap music video and taken spectacular care of your teeth, anything and everything is possible for you. Getting out of bed every day should be a piece of cake, and when you look in the mirror you should be all smiles, baby.
