Dear Editor:Well, citizen voters, voter apathy day is fast approaching again. So which detestable hornswoggler is the least desirable?
If any of the “front runner” candidates for governor and senator are telling the truth there isn’t any of them fit to tote out chamber pots.
These “choices” dished out for us by the two parties and served up to us by the mainstream media are at best choices between bad and worse. So there is truly no need to vote if you will be voting for one of these multi-mega buck sponsored, bought and paid for, sold out to the “new world order,” mainstream media darlings.
And does the media ever profit obscenely from these circuses they call “free elections.” Free my eye!
But there’s as much truth in “free election” as there is in most things the media “names.” Mainstream media’s primary business is, of course, entertainment because that is what the sheeple demand.
Their secondary businesses are distraction, deception and manipulation because that’s what sheeple deserve.
It would seem there’s not much we can do about this because we don’t pay them. (You really do by listening to them.) But there is and we all can and should do it. Simply vote for the “real people” candidates.
Those who the media scarcely mention.
No you don’t lose your vote. You cast a protest vote against the anti-constitution new world order “plants” who are surely killing our country.
If enough of us resign from the brain-dead party line sheeple herds and actually begin thinking and asking WHY and voting our consciences we can and will make a big difference.
You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Just DO it!

Dwayne Oxford
