Did you get to see our appointed president over the weekend? You know, the one who has spent the surplus that the last administration spent eight years saving for the American people. They then turned around and gave 40 percent of the surplus to the top 1 percent wealthiest Americans who didn’t need it. Millions and millions of your tax dollars were given to millionaires who don’t need it.
Just think what that money could have done for the Americans who need it.
We could have given our teachers huge pay raises. We could have also used it to help those senior citizens so desperately in need of help. With the continuing rise of the cost of prescription drugs, they are left to choose whether to eat or whether to buy their medicine here in the United States – the world’s richest country.
Have you noticed the $8 trillion sucked out of the economy and the stock market wiping out elderly Americans’ retirements and investors’ 401Ks in the thousands through this administration?
Just look at the mess this administration is making out of America’s foreign policy. In the Middle East even our good Arab friends are mad at us because we don’t stop what Israel is doing to them.
In the Middle East there is much bloodshed. Palestinian children are being shot by Israeli soldiers on a daily basis for simply throwing rocks while on their way to school.
It’s getting worse and nothing and no one is doing anything to stop it.
All these things are happening now.
There have been major job losses in America in the last two years with 3 million Americans out of work and another 2 million Americans signing up for food stamps.
Things just keep getting better under this Republican administration. They are running things and they are to blame because they control Congress and the White House. At the same time, they are ruining it.
This administration is dragging America into a war that is not about terrorists or about America being threatened by Iraq or its neighbors. It is not about the Arab countries in the region who have asked us repeatedly not to attack their Arab brothers but to let the United Nations do its job and settle this issue along with what our own allies have been trying to get us to do as well.
Bush will not listen.
This administration is hell-bent on dragging America and you into war and killing a lot of Americans over oil.
There is your motive and there is your means.
These Republicans are trying desperately to hide the mess they have made and they are trying to distract America from seeing it. At the same time, they are trying desperately to hide the truth from the American people of where $8 trillion went and are telling them not to look at the $8 trillion dollars we wasted and squandered on the wealthiest of the rich.
Look over here America. Look over here. Look what Iraq is doing but don’t look at the problems that face us here at home. Don’t look at the mess the economy is in. Don’t look at the unemployment that is sky rocketing out of control. Don’t look at the 250,000 homeless veterans we have on our streets in the world’s richest country, don’t look at the 50,000 homeless children that sleep out in the bitter cold, and don’t look at the $160 million the Republicans raised through legalized bribery.
These are the facts.
As students, you should not fall for the oldest trick and game in the book. Don’t fall for the big lie.
This is Bush’s war and he wants to start a war and attack a country that has not attacked us. I have written for peace and will continue to speak out against this administration whose dismal records on the economy and foreign policy speak for itself. It is by far the worst I’ve ever seen.
They are representing the wealthiest 1 percent and the other 90 percent can pick up the tap and some can fight in a war that is not America’s war. It is Bush’s war over oil, not over the economy he and the Republicans have wrecked through corruption and greed.
I will continue to speak out against this war and continue to fight for peace. All should speak out against it if we are to stop it. I will be fair about this, too, because it was the Democrats who went right along with it.
It was the Democrats who helped and they too will answer for it because they helped pass the War Resolution giving this appointed president the authority to attack without our allies’ support, and without our citizens’ support.
Our fight for peace is picking up steam and theirs is losing it according to the new polls which are showing more Americans than ever opposing a war with Iraq.
The American economy comes first and Americans want peace, and they want to fix our problems here before we add any more burdens to our people with a war no one wants but Bush.
In conclusion fight for peace. Don’t give up, don’t give in.
We will deal with those who shout for war but themselves aren’t the ones going. We will fight for those who will be the ones going to die, and we must fight against this unjust war that is not America’s war.
Our war is here. We are fighting the problems we have here to fight and have not won or advanced for our fellow Americans and America itself. They are battles for the homeless, the veterans who are homeless, and misfortunate children.
Tennesseans who have no health insurance, who are against a war that could pay for fixing these problems, must continue to keep fighting to help Americans.
It must be done before we start looking to get involved in a war that helps no one and further wastes taxpayers dollars, not to mention wastes American lives that do not need to be ended. Someone should be locking up those in our federal government who lie and mislead a great deal of people and accept legalized bribery at the expense of America’s children, who would be dying for an unjust war.
Remember . “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
