Every single inch of our being is in need of love and understanding. We curse our imperfect noses, scary feet, flabby arms and just about every other part of our delightful little packages.
However, there is one part of our body that is (no matter who we are) super duper cute.
The single indentions on our stomachs called bellybuttons are often forgotten about. There are many factors that may possibly contribute to this neglect.
Naturally, humans are busy creatures, but they should never be too busy to show their bellybutton, as Michael Bolton so elegantly put it, “time, love and tenderness.”
Bellybuttons are in constant need of care and attention after a long day of work or play. It’s a good idea to always have small inanimate objects on hand so that during particularly hard or stressful days, you can forget about your worries, and play with your bellybutton.
If you don’t love that inverted little mound of flesh, who will? Everyone else obviously take its smooth simplistic design and utter un-usefulness for granted.
Keep dirt, sand, dust, lint and other undesirable bellybutton acquaintances away from your partner in crime. Caress sweet smelling ointments into the friendly area.
Hey, your bellybutton should be your best friend. You two have something to relate to. While your nub that was soon to become a bellybutton healed, you were still trying to get over that journey from the womb thing.
Though many people don’t appreciate their own bellybuttons, the media has had a recent fascination with the navels of various celebrities. Artificially tanned pop stars such as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera have force fed their midsections to those that are inevitably exposed to popular culture, making us instantly recognize whose bellybutton is whose when taking cheesy quizzes in beauty magazines.
Among others, Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Lopez and Richard Simmons all have navels with enough spunk and pizzazz to twinkle in the Hollywood spotlight.
Others have used their bellybuttons as a tool to gain short-lived fame and popularity.
Just recently, a man on David Letterman displayed his talents on late night television when he opened a beer bottle with his bellybutton. Accordingly, one would assume that beer openers are no longer needed, as they can easily be replaced by the bellybuttons of over-the-hill frat boys with a multitude of jaw dropping party talents.
In a distinct moment in bellybutton history, I can recall when former MTV VJ, Kennedy, fed her navel creamed corn on national television in the mid nineties. She had the right idea, by golly.
Contrary to popular belief, bellybuttons aren’t only good for piercing. Acknowledging and loving this minor part of ones anatomy can do wonders for the well being, and in the end can give one more self-esteem.
Simply knowing that one’s bellybutton is by far cuter than anyone else’s can aid one in approaching potential love interests, speaking up in classes, and in developing a more outgoing, forthright, and assertive attitude.
This is where the self-esteem comes into play. No self-help tapes are needed. Simply take a glance at your gorgeous bellybutton when you are feeling particularly poopie, and hopefully the clouds will instantly part and a voice from the heavens will pay you a compliment telling you how awesome you are.
Like the constantly cheery ’80s cartoon phenomenon, “The Care Bears,” you too can send beams of good will from your button, similar to what the bear friends did during their intense “Care Bear Stare.”
Flashing your wee tiny pride and joy may not always stop drunken bar fights, keep motorists from showing the dirty finger or even influence random strangers to do happy choreographed dance routines in places like the grocery store. But hey, at least you tried making the world a better place for all of its disgruntled inhabitants.
For those with a much deeper fascination with bellybuttons, a German web site called “Bauchnabel” may be of interest.
The word Bauchnabel translated into English means “antinode bulge navel,” which sounds sort of frightening, but the site, as a whole has an overall pleasant vibe. Even if you don’t know how to read the language, there are plenty of visual references on the web site, including a gallery of German bellybuttons.
Wow, sie kÓnnen bellybuttons wie die Deutschen lieben! It just boggles the mind.
However you end up in life and whatever you do, put forth the effort to show your bellybutton the love and respect that it deserves. Believe me, it will thank you later. And when that day comes, it will be a truly out of the ordinary sight to behold.
