Dear Editor:
I am writing concerning the fact that University Productions used $10,000 of 606 funding to pay Mike and Coral from the “Real World: Back to New York” to come and speak on Wednesday, Nov. 6.
I would like someone to explain what educational value the students received in hearing them speak (if that is what you call speaking).
The only things they spoke about were themselves, and every other word that came out of Coral’s mouth was something vulgar.
During the question and answer session Mike and Coral did nothing more than either make fun of our accents or make fun of the questions that were asked. The kicker came at the end, after they had been speaking for about an hour, when they asked if anyone had any more questions because they wanted to go home.
It must be nice to be able to get paid $10,000 to sit in an auditorium for an hour and talk about how you had sex on national television, got paid to go on the “5th Wheel” and tell everyone that since you’ve made $50,000 your tastes have changed and you don’t drink pitchers of beer anymore.
Let’s all come back to reality for a moment. After reviewing what was said, I ask again . Why did our tuition pay $10,000 for these people to come and demonstrate “How to Have an Attitude 101” and “How to Make a Person Feel Like S***?” Hey, maybe next time University Productions could just have a seminar about “How to Make an Easy $10,000 an Hour Without a College Degree.”Erin Vineyard
