Students wanting to have fun this spring break and make a difference at the same time have a chance to make a difference in someone’s life through various service activities.
During spring break 2002, students went to Detroit, Mich., and Charleston, S.C.
In Detroit, students taught courses promoting nonviolence in inner city high schools. The students in Charleston constructed housing for people with disabilities.
“People’s lives are truly touched by these projects,” said Kate Bond, a graduate student in the Center for the Student Life and Leadership.
Alternative Spring Break takes place at the same time ETSU holds spring break.
Students leave on the Saturday before and return the Saturday after, making it a seven day trip. The trip costs $100.
“The cost covers room, board, lunch, dinner and travel expenses,” Bond said.
As many students as possible may go on the alternative spring break trip, although 30 is the estimate.
Students vote on the site in which they will provide services. Presently, the location is undecided. There are three sites that will be voted for when there are a definite number of people signed up for the trip.
Students who are interested must apply at the Volunteer ETSU office.
For more information, contact the Center of Student Life and Leadership at 439-5675 or the Volunteer ETSU office at 439-4254.
