ETSU student Tiffany Collier has been selected to represent the Sigma Beta Chapter of Alpha Pi Alpha Fraternity at the district convention Miss Black & Gold pageant in Nashville on Nov. 23.
“The Miss Black & Gold pageant is a scholarship pageant,” Collier said. “They recognize young, black women with talent. The pageant helps these young women to stay focused.”
Collier, a junior, has been competing in pageants since she was 5 years old, where she won her first crown in Dallas, Texas at the Sainer School of Pre-Education.
She was also a finalist in the Miss Georgia Teenager Pageant where she competed against 60 other young women.
“I did my best and gave my speech, Collier said. “It was amazing. It felt great because I was recognized. It was my first real professional pageant.”
Collier is a full-time student on a track and field scholarship. She currently holds the school and Southern Conference record in the 1600-meter relay.
She also made all conference in indoor and outdoor track, and is a member of the cross country team.
The message that Collier would like to give young girls that are dreaming about being in a pageant some day is that you don’t have to have beauty to compete because beauty is only skin deep.
“It’s the person that makes the pageant not the beauty,” she said.
Collier is majoring in education administration.
Her long-term goals are to receive a Ph.D. and become an elementary school principal. Her short-term goal is to participate in the 2004 or 2008 Olympics.
“I want to compete in the 400-meter and the 4X4 relay.”
Also, she has been on the Dean’s List as well as the Southern Conference honor roll.
She is involved in groups such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a volunteer at Woodland Elementary School.
She recently represented ETSU while volunteering for the Boys and Girls Club in Atlanta, Ga.
Collier has a passion for youth and she is an ambassador for Christ.
Collier said she thanks her parents for their continuing support.
The learning experience that Collier said she has received from competing in pageants is that she has learned to never give up and never take no for an answer.
“When we go through trials in life, remember that they are given to you by God and never give up,” Collier said.
“I am looking forward to representing ETSU. I am really excited, and am very pleased that my peers chose me.
