In an unusual turn of events, ETSU’s Goldlink went off line Monday on the first day of registration for spring 2003 classes, leaving some students stressed out about whether they would be able to get the classes they needed.
While the system was working again Wednesday and registration appointments were moved back a day, the situation was a hot topic of discussion for students this week.
“I thought it was ridiculous that the only way I could register for a class was through a system that was defective,” said freshman Dixon Chadwick.
“I have been here for how long and already my career is put at a standstill.”
Junior Julie Barger said, “I have tried to register and could not get anywhere.
“I am extremely concerned about getting the classes I need in order to graduate.
“It is hard to understand why it is such a complicated process that goes into getting the classes that you are required to take.”
Barger was concerned about getting the classes she needs for next semester.
“You would think if you had to take certain classes that the school would offer more teachers to teach them and offer more time,” she said. “They do this and laugh when you say you are a seventh year senior.
