Dear Editor:
I would like to rebut Tom Birchfield’s diatribe regarding the Bush administration. I’m compelled to correct the lies and mistakes in his Nov. 4 column, “Taxpayers money paying for war with Iraq.”
There was never such a thing as a surplus. It is a smoke-and-mirrors trick played by our officials to make American sheep think our leaders are actually doing something. Even if there was a surplus, this is a republic, not a socialist state, so the top 1 percent of taxpayers deserve a rebate in proportion to the amount they paid into the tax system – which, by the way, exceeds 40 percent.
The economy is a wreck partly because of greedy corporate actions and excessive speculation, which occurred during President Clinton’s tenure in office. Also, the current downturn started in early 2000, before President Bush took office. Get your facts straight.
This administration is not making a mess out of foreign policy; it is trying to fix the problems created during eight years of bungling by the Clinton administration. They aren’t doing a great job, but at least they haven’t sputtered and blustered, and then bombed a milk factory in a pathetic retaliation attempt for the terrorist atttacks in September 2001 the way your beloved Bill Clinton did in 1998. And give Bush credit, since he’s attending to the business of the country instead of fondling interns every chance he gets.
The Republican Party does not control Congress; they control the House of Representatives as of the date of this letter. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, Congress is defined as “The U.S. Legislature, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.” Are you so busy hating conservatives that you don’t even realize this?
Mark Peters
