A multicultural fashion show, “Rising in the East and Setting in the West,” will be held in the Martha Street Culp Auditorium on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 7-9 p.m.
Students will be modeling native dress and costumes from countries around the world, beginning in the East and ending in the West. Japan, China, India, Brazil, Ethiopia, Turkey and Jamaica are on the list of countries that will be represented.
“The show will hopefully enlighten people around campus about different cultures and put a spark in ETSU students to know more about the international students,” said Neha Barakam, president of the International Students Organization.
In addition to modeling, students will perform songs and dances from various countries. Desiree Francis, a graduate student at ETSU and member of the diversity team, will be singing folk songs from Jamaica. “Basically, what I focus on is the understanding of people of different cultures and races that are in the United States, and that will hopefully lead to world peace,” she said.
Neem Bhatt, a junior, will be participating in an Indian dance. Bhatt was born in India but grew up in America, and she said that she was excited about being involved in the fashion show, which is the second one for her.
“This is a major event for cultural diversity on this campus,” said Laura Terry, director of multicultural affairs. “It is mainly to unify the campus and see that we all can work together.”
Those in charge of the event are anticipating faculty, staff and students as well as residents from the community to turn out in large numbers. Countless hours have gone into preparing for the fashion show.
The event is co-sponsored by the office of Multicultural Affairs, the International Students Organization, Alpha Xi Delta, Black Affairs Association and the Race Relations Standing Committee.
Refreshments will be provided after the show and admission is free.
Call 439-4210 for more information.
