Dear Editor:
As I am sitting here in the campus security building, I’m trying to figure out why people steal.
Just about 30 minutes ago, while playing racquetball in the Mini Dome, my backpack was stolen. I must say, that I take the blame upon myself because I was the one stupid enough to leave it sitting, where people could easily “help themselves.”
After finishing my game of racquetball, my teammate and I exited the court. I gave my instructor the results of the game, then turned around to get my backpack and head home. But, my backpack was not there.
My initial reaction was that I thought someone was playing a joke and had moved it somewhere else. But then, seconds later, that inevitable feeling sank into my stomach. I was furious and armed with a 1980’s racquet, ready to attack if the opportunity arose.
It wasn’t the loss of the car keys, money, cell phone or my favorite shoes that got me so upset. It was my binder that had an entire semester’s worth of hard work and long hours in it.
In the midst of my emotional upheaval, one of the officers informed me that they had found my backpack in the men’s bathroom on the east side of the Mini-Dome. Wow, I was happy.
Then I stopped to think. I was grateful that my things were going to be returned to me. Everything was there, including my binder. All that was missing was $27 and some change.
However, the thief managed to leave me a penny. Thanks. I wondered what made this person want to steal. Maybe they were having some sort of financial difficulty or maybe they simply don’t care? I hope it’s not the latter of the two, but it probably is.
It is too bad that there are people out there willing to go to such extremes to get a little cash. How about getting a job? Why not work for the things we have instead of taking them from other people. Your mother should be disappointed.
Maybe something like this will happen to you. You see money is replaceable. The way you are and what you have done is something that you will always have to deal with, and that is not something I would be proud of.
God bless you. I am one of many, I am sure.
Cassie Vlastelic
