Last holiday season former CBS newsman, Bernard Goldberg topped all best-seller lists with his book Bias.
Bias was about Goldberg’s own struggle within CBS when he decided to write an op-ed piece for the Wall Street Journal condemning liberal bias in the mainstream media.
Goldberg’s book shook-up CBS and other liberal media sources, forcing them to add conservatives to their staff.
Most of us had been forced to watch a liberal view of the news until the advent of Fox News Channel.
Once in a while a conservative might show up on one of the mainstream media outlets. John Stossel was CBS’s lone conservative while CNN picked the more radical Pat Buchanan as its token conservative.
Now a fair and balanced view of the news is the pick for the American people. Just here at ETSU in the past month Fox News was added to the channel lineup after students requested it fervently.
Fox News has continued to set the pace for the media in the new millennium with hard-hitting reporting. FNC’s Bill O’ Reilly is cable news’s No. 1 show after its close battle with “Larry King Live” on CNN for the top spot.
As far as print media goes the left still has the market on the news. The Washington Post and The New York Times are the leaders for most of liberal news heard on mainstream outlets. If you read these papers you will see the same lead stories on the big three (NBC, CBS, ABC).
Where you get your news is extremely important. Here are some fair and balanced resources that you can either buy at the local newsstand or view on the Internet as I do.
Fox has an excellent news site staying up to minute with breaking news.
Articles can be found on politics, entertainment, feminism and so on.
The most controversial news web site, loathed by liberals from sea to shining sea is
Matt Drudge gained his fame from the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal when he broke stories held back by the liberal media. He has links to both fair and balanced news sites to radically liberal and right sources. Drudge had 1 billion visits to his web site in the past year. The media keeps a close watch on his site to see which story to break next. His site may be the best on the net, but don’t tell Dan Rather.
Washington Times is the other newspaper in Washington D.C. If you live in the metro area its very chic to have your copy of the Post with you as you down your latte. The Times has much more insight to its coverage than the Washington Post.
In the Times there is “Inside Politics,” “Inside the Beltway” and “Pruden on Politics” all these columns give great insider views on the inner workings with Washington. In this writer’s opinion it is the best newspaper in the country. The Times which can be viewed on the net at either or it can be linked to from Drudge.
At a purely cyber-column, Rich Galen catches chatter inside the political ring. Rush Limbaugh’s site has the same power-punch reporting as heard on his radio show every afternoon.
Atlantic Monthly’s web site offers some good insight into the political world as well philosophic views of the world. National Review, Weekly Standard and the New Republic are also publications that deserve a look.
The Washington Post, NY Times, NewsWeek, and Time magazine can still be good resources but beware the ‘bias’.
The news is our view of history as it happens, make sure your source for news is a source where the opinion is left up to the reader.
