How many more Christians and Americans will have to die in our overcrowded county jails and state prisons, like the one in Bakersville, N.C., before America acts?
There, people needlessly died packed in cells like sardines in a can. Just over the mountain in Asheville, N.C., a student serving a petty charge was thrown into jail one week before graduating college. People should not be placed in such horrible conditions.
This is a common problem throughout the Southeastern United States much like a new modern day slavery system.
In this slavery system, money sets you free and stupid laws are passed causing Americans to forfeit their money, their property, their individual liberty and even their lives.
What numerous misdemeanor offenses could possibly be worth the lives of these Americans? They’ve died because of a corrupt justice system put in place to extort money and personal freedoms.
Where’s the justice in this? This is extortion.
Most of these Americans are there for petty offenses and minor violations and shouldn’t be in our jails.
How can we allow human beings to be treated worse than animals and know that many may end up dead like those in that rotten overcrowded county jail in Bakersville. They had to pay a high price to get our attention.
We should be gravely concerned about these laws put in place by politicians who even now accept legalized bribery and go free!
Some are being locked up for far less offenses while the lobbyists go free.
I watch in total unbelief as millions of citizens are being locked up for petty offenses while the real thieves continue to run free. I see millions of Americans being thrown into overcrowded jails and prisons. This is stripping away all the rights Americans where once promised under the Constitution.
This corruption must be stopped because this system is robbing us of our most treasured assets — the pursuit of personal liberty and freedoms.
We are losing the freedoms we all hold so dearly and we are no longer able “to live as a free people and a free nation under God.”
I hope the families of those poor men who died in that Bakersville county jail sue the city and sue the state for every penny they can get.
We must not forget the wasted lives that could have made a difference in our world. All this could have been avoided.
We should remember that it could have easily been one of us who died. One day, it could be you trapped in this corrupt justice system.
All this heartache, misery and wasted lives is all for money and is too high a cost for Americans to pay.
We have no liberty and freedom when others are allowed to accept legalized bribery, and millions are locked up over petty laws, offenses and misdemeanors.
Today, America is a police nation where we no longer have any rights. So the hell with the Third and Fourth Amendments, what they stand for and why they were written.
Our rights no longer matter or exist, and until American wakes up we shall all continue to lose and suffer.
Remember we must not forget those who are poor and those who sit in our overcrowded jails and prisons or we will also be forgotten.
When you fight for justice for Americans who are less fortunate, you are fighting for yourselves
