Has anyone else noticed that we have skipped Thanksgiving?
According to the calendar, the holidays in November begin with Halloween, then to Thanksgiving and on to Christmas, but looking around I haven’t seen any huge blow-up turkeys or cornucopias that are traditionally associated with the holiday.
Commercials and department stores have not acknowledged the holiday.
Radio ads for JC Penney’s and Proffitt’s are urging shoppers to get a head start on all that shopping.
Decorations have been placed around town of angels, trees and snowflakes already. And we haven’t even participated in Thanksgiving yet.
Why has this holiday been cast aside? Should it not be one of the most important to human behavior?
Thanksgiving began long ago with the story I’m sure you have heard more than a million times, but isn’t it important to remember our past?
It is just as important to celebrate the arrival of the first settlers and the blessings our nation has received as to what little Susie gets for Christmas.
Thanksgiving is a time to spend filling ourselves with food and family. It is a time to reflect on what we have been given and worked so hard for in our lives. Our nation never stops to say we are thankful for our freedom, our lives, our family, etc.
Now we are pushing out the one holiday that has nothing to do with fat men in sleds, bunnies or eggs.
Have we become such a nation of spoiled little brats that we can’t stop and appreciate the things we have?
Thanksgiving was set aside for this one simple purpose and since no one spends major cash or advertises new items on the market our society has forgotten it.
Thanksgiving is a holiday for the true human being where all the basic needs of humanity are met.
You receive food, love and maybe a bit of inspiration to make yourself better. It is a holiday of humble recognition and thanks that sometimes we are too busy to give.
Let’s not forget that the settlers and the Native Americans had few instances of friendship after the feast commonly known as Thanksgiving and forgetting the premise of their meeting would be a waste all in itself.
I am thankful that we have a holiday like Thanksgiving.
If you truly celebrate it like it is supposed to be done it can be just as rewarding as the other holidays.
