In reaction to concerns raised by students over campus lighting or the lack thereof, Public Safety is trying to raise awareness about the well-lit areas on campus.
One main issue that they want students to be aware of is the Bright Light Path, which is an intricate lighting system that runs all over campus.
“I think it’s time we reacquaint our community with the Bright Light Path and what it’s goals were,” said Jack Cotrel, chief and director of Public Safety.
Lighting is a big issue with students at ETSU. Some students do not feel that there is enough lighting in areas, while others do not even feel safe walking on campus at night.
“I personally feel that they could do a better job with certain aspects of the lighting on campus,” said April Huckaby.
“I think that for the campus to be as big as it is, that it is not very well lit,” said Matt Malcolm. “I think that it’s dangerous for young ladies to be on a campus where the lighting is bad.”
That same concern has been a problem at ETSU for many years. In 1995, campus personnel were receiving several complaints from students, faculty and staff about the inadequate lighting.
The lighting had even been declared unsafe by the Ad Hoc Women’s Issues Committee and the Student Government Association. Campus security did not feel that they could assure student and staff safety because of the lighting.
Those concerns prompted officials at ETSU to action and caused them to create what was called a “bright light program” to improve the lighting across campus.
Part of this program was the Bright Light Path. According to a 1995 letter by Dr. Jerry Gehre, then associate vice president for administration, the lighted pathway was a campuswide lighting project to improve safety and security for pedestrians and vehicles.
Construction began on May 8, 1995, and was finished up later that year at the cost of $1 million.
“It’s unbelievable the difference it made in the lighting on campus,” Cotrel said.
However, the problem that has arisen today is the fact that many students do not know where this lighted pathway is. Many do not even have a clue about what the Bright Light Path is. This is one of the reasons that Public Safety wants to raise awareness.
“I’ve been here for three years, and I never knew there was a Bright Light Path,” Shawn Dillingham said.
Most students receive a copy of the Bright Light Path route and do not even realize it. The Parking and Traffic Regulations brochure that students receive with the parking permits has an outline of the Bright Light Path on the attached map.
These brochures are available at the Office of Public Safety.
