Looking for a unique gift this holiday season, or maybe you would just like to treat yourself to something special?
Look no further than the Culp Center Ballroom, where the ETSU craft shop and the Student Ceramic Association have gotten together for the fourth annual student arts and crafts sale.
The sale is being held in the ballroom on the third floor of the Culp Center Dec. 4 from 5-7 p.m., Dec. 5 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Dec 6 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Each year the craft shop’s student workers, Student Ceramics Association members and other local craftsmen create unique pieces of pottery, handwoven baskets, fibers, stained glass, jewelry, florals and mosaics.
Students in the SCA, which is a part of the art department, and the student workers from the craft shop have worked hard all year to prepare for this holiday sale.
“We have many talented students at ETSU,” craft shop manager Doris Hayes said. “This sale is always a wonderful opportunity for our students to share their talents with the community.”
Student workers in the craft shop focus on different areas of art throughout each semester, taking classes ranging from mosaics to basket-weaving to stained glass.
“This semester, I have made many beaded jewelry pieces for the sale including bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings,” said senior Maranda Penley, marketing major and craft shop student worker.
“This year we have approximately 25 students that have entered their work in the student sale,” Hayes said.
“Because the sale offers individual and unique work, it has grown to be a vital part of the community’s holiday shopping since it began four years ago,” said senior Kristin Hamilton, public relations major and craft shop student worker.
The proceeds from the sale go to the students.
