Well, ladies and gentlemen it has been great writing for you via the East Tennessean this semester.
We have covered everything from the “uninformed left” to the D.C.-area sniper shootings.
It takes hours of my time to prepare these articles. I read many new sources daily from print, the Internet, radio and televised media. I want to give an opinion based on fact first of all, then my goal is to give you the truth.
Whether you agree should be based on the same principles of making an objective opinion after searching out and finding the truth. You must look at articles and see whether it’s spin and why the writer would spin it. Great media sources are out there, they can be hard to find sometimes.
The executive editor of the East Tennessean, Whitney Bennett, does a fantastic job running the paper and has given me the freedom to write my column. The whole staff at the East Tennessean is great to work with.
I’ve had a hard time deciding what to write about for this last article.
Should I write about a case for war in Iraq? Every writer from D.C. to Equatorial Guinea has written one.
Maybe I could write an article on Al Gore and his new look, but even that’s too easy a target for me. I could even write an article on Sen. John Kerrey from Massachusetts and his $100 haircuts — what a “man of the middle class.”
It’s Christmas time and a Christmas list is in order. It’s a thought-filled list — not so much a list of want but of ideas that should be thought through. This is not my first list sent out but the first one that has been published.
* The case for war in Iraq was made back in the early ’90s. Hussein has murdered his own people by torturous methods and if we are so “PC” we should want to liberate them now.
* The new Department of Homeland Security is not a bigger government but it actually consolidates several agency’s jobs. We would not need this agency had the “leftist prince” Bill Clinton done his job to protect the United States properly.
* The economy is Clintonian, when people like Ken Lay run the country and then a bad economy will follow for YEARS! Quit blaming it on Bush!
* The Democrats may let Al Gore run again because they want him to get out of dodge quickly. By the way his new book did not make the NY Times bestseller list. It did so bad that it went on sale the first week … so much for comebacks.
* The Civil War was a war about the states’ rights, not slavery. Only one in five families in the South owned slaves. Before the army of the “left coast” is called out to attack me, I don’t condone slavery.
* Where’s this right wing media conspiracy? The last time I heard Dan Rather say anything good about George W. was when Florida was called out of his column in the 2000 election.
* Stop letting the American Civil Liberties Union violate our civil liberties by rewriting our history to make it more “PC.” If they have their way, we might as well just nuke ourselves and be done.
* My number one wish this Christmas is for people to start thinking about the issues instead of just being told. I also want Conan O’Brien to announce his candidacy for the next senator of New York.
Everyone have a Merry Christmas — or can I say that? Hold on, wait! I’ll get back to you after I call the ACLU.
