Dear Editor:
I was disheartened the other day to pick up the newspaper and see that the Bucs had been defeated by 21 points at UNC Wilmington.
Yes, I know that they are a team on the rise and one to respect, but no team should dominate us by that many points.
When I looked at the line score and noticed that Sam Oatman took no shots from 3-point range and only one inside the arc, I was mystified.
Here is a young man who has a God-given ability to light it up every night. Ed DeChellis should tell him to go in and “fill it up.” He will be glad he did.
Ryan Lawson is another great shooter. Lawson leads the team from 3-point land at 12-28 and scored 48 points this season for an average of 9.6 a game.
I know that basketball is a game of chemistry. The first time I saw the Bucs play this year, I realized that the coaching staff faced a daunting challenge because every player on the roster is a quality performer. What is the best way to mix this recipe?
Let our gunners do their thing. Lawson and Oatman should average between 25 and 40 points per game between the two of them.
The Bucs will never measure up to teams like Virginia or Vanderbilt if we don’t get with the program.
Good luck, coach. I’m glad it’s your problem and not mine.Ray Granger
