A number of seasonal holidays — Ramadan, Christmas and Kwanzaa — are highlighted in a special display on the first floor lobby of the Sherrod Library.
Each of the holidays features a selection of books chosen for children and adults, as well as a variety of recipe books. In addition, the library is making available handouts with a couple of recipes for the various special occasions.
Carol Norris, associate professor, said recipes for “Fig and Lemon Chicken,” “Umm Ali,” “Curried Sweet Potato Latkes,” “Eggnog Thumbprints,” dried apple stack cake, “Grandmother’s Southern Fried Okra” and sweet potato pie are all available at the display.
“We’ve added some books this year from our Tennessee, Appalachian and Southern heritage, like Smokehouse Ham, Spoonbread & Scuppernog; Wine: The Folklore and Art of Southern Appalachian Cooking, and of course we have our own Home and Away: A University Brings Food to the Table — Recipes and Remembrances from ETSU, with its section on Christmas recipes from Sherrod Library.
“Also available for perusal are cookbooks and collections of recipes for Jewish, African, Middle Eastern and other international foods”
Plus, the display features pages from web sites for each holiday, including information and ideas for celebration.
