Dear Editor,
The fall of our economy has affected everyone in some way, whether it be losing your job or the high prices in a grocery store. Recently, the news has been telling us all how much the percentage rate of unemployment has risen tremendously. Even though companies are trying to save money by laying people off, they are letting the wrong people go. Someone close to me was laid off recently based on seniority. I call this discrimination. As one of my friends said, “It’s just business.” That is just an excuse. It’s not fair that someone’s job is based on seniority. I understand the fact that some people have been there longer than others. But a person needs to know how to actually do their job. Certain people in the workforce are not treated fairly. No matter how loyal a person is, in the end it all boils down to seniority. I just think the loyal people deserve a chance to keep their job no matter how long they have been there.
-Brooklynn Ledford
