Several students from the Catholic Center at ETSU are planning on taking a mission trip to Haiti during spring break.How those plans will work out is unclear at the moment, as a result of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred Jan. 12 in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince.

“The plan is to still go,” says the Rev. Michael Cummins, chaplain of the Catholic Center and trip organizer. “We are flying into the airport at Port-au-Prince, and we will see the direct effects of the earthquake.”

The group’s original plan was to travel four hours southwest of Haiti’s capital and work at Visitation Clinic in Petite Riviere de Nippes. That may change due to the developing crisis in Port-au-Prince. It will take more sorting out before it is understood exactly what the group’s plan will be upon arrival.

“We may end up spending our whole time in Port-au-Prince,” Cummins says. “That is something that will be decided when we get closer to these dates. They really have needs all around.”

If they do travel from Port-au-Prince to the Visitation Clinic they may need to find a new place to spend the night. Originally, the group was going to stay at a hostel upon arriving at the airport and then they would depart for the clinic in the morning. It is unclear if the hostel has a more permanent use or if it is even standing at all.

Four students plan to attend the trip along with one parishioner from St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Johnson City.

The recent crisis in Haiti has brought more attention to the area’s need for help and more people have shown an interest in making the trip.

James Lane, a student going on the trip, says that the worsened conditions in Haiti make him want to go even more to help people in need.

Lane says that he understands that the experience will probably be traumatic.

“I know what to expect. I hope to prepare myself mentally, and respond in an appropriate manner,” he says.

Cummins says that it will be a difficult experience for all that go on the trip. “I don’t think that it is possible to be fully prepared for what we will see after the earthquake,” Cummins says. “That kind of devastation is outside of our experiences, but I think that the group that is going is fully aware of what happened and they have a willingness to help. I think that will help us to navigate the experience.”

The mission group is planning to take basic medical items for use in the clinic in Haiti.

Individuals, groups and student organizations are welcome to donate.

Items requested are: Tylenol, Betadine, Ibuprofen, antacids, antiobiotics and vitamins. All items received will go directly for use in the clinic.

To donate contact the ETSU Catholic Center at 926-7061 or All items must be received by Feb. 24.
