Why is medical marijuana being sold in some states and not in others? It’s because states are corrupt. Just take a good look at East Tennessee’s injustice system that turns college students and citizens into criminals if they are caught with even a joint.
This brings in massive amounts of revenue to the city, town or county government that made laws to criminalize the sale of marijuana while they go laughing all the way to the bank, building new $50 million jails to put away pot smokers and other petty offenders.
In 14 other states in the union folks sell it, regulate it and tax it. They have also legalized it for medical purposes and are benefiting from it now.
Yet in the same country, anyone with a license to sell marijuana in one of those 14 states is making millions from it. In East Tennessee, you go to jail over it, and that is injustice from a corrupt runaway police state that is out of control.
This is why Republicans are wrong on insisting on states’ rights so they can keep this injustice in place and keep Americans in jail over it. This is injustice at its worse.
This is why I am for federal intervention over it now. It is the only way to get Americans out of jail now. It is dead wrong that the federal government is not acting. They want you and the federal government to look the other way so they can continue to arrest and lock up as many Americans as the cops can arrest over it.
They will make money from it. They will build new jails as they are doing throughout the South at alarming rates. While they go and cash in on it, laughing all the way to the bank, people are sitting in jail over it. They are in the news over it because it is illegal.
It is a cash crop. Why else would people be selling it? Why else would states be legalizing it, taxing it, regulating it and selling it?
This is why the federal government needs to step in and make it legal in all 50 states now.
Regulate it and tax it so we can immediately let Americans out of our overcrowded jails for it, and start rebuilding on our Constitutional rights to restore some of the freedom we have lost when this happens.
Instead we could tax it, regulate it, use it to rebuild our infrastructure. We could give our teachers raises. We could regulate it like we did booze and put a stop to locking up Americans over it.
-Tommy Birchfield
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