Q: What is the best way to gain more muscle on my body? I enjoy weight lifting and am over the age of 50. I just want to look good for my age. I am also looking for a personal trainer.- Thomas Johnson

A: In order to gain muscle mass one’s body must first undergo a phase of anatomical adaptation to prepare the body for more weight-bearing loads by increasing balance and joint stability.

This phase of training is not the most glorified nor is it the most enjoyable, but in order to put on mass the safe way it is necessary.

Given your age this task will require patience because you must allow the body to recovery properly in order to reduce the risk of injury.

Without the use of ergogenic aids, which I highly do not recommend, this process may take years through use of a proper periodized program. This process will require some information sharing between you and I in order for myself to successfully put together a long-term training plan for you.

All students and faculty at ETSU are given six free sessions of personal training through the CPA, and I am available for personal training as well.

I look forward to seeing you in the CPA soon.

– Keith Scruggs, Graduate Assistant, Fitness Coordinator
