Dear Editor, After reading countless articles, hearing the frustration from voice of students, and personally being affected by the parking issue at ETSU, I would like to make a suggestion.

Back in Febuary it was just another cold and frosty morning.

I had to get up about 15 minutes early just to start my car to let my windshield defrost.

I drove my normal 45-minute drive to campus, arriving at my normal time at about 7:50 a.m.

I parked in my normal space which is the student lot behind the parking office in front of the BP station.

As I walked up through the parking lot, headed to Rogers-Stout, I noticed something that I had not before noticed.

Every vehicle with maybe the exception of a couple had frost on their windshields. Of course the parking lot was completely full.

These were obviously students who live on campus and just keep their vehicles there in the same spots. These vehicles are probably never moved but for a few times a week.

I suggest that our university require students who live on campus to park in the farthest lots on campus.

This would allow those parking lots, central to halls where classes are held, to be refreshed daily from students coming and going.

How should we enforce this? Give students who reside in residence halls a different parking sticker.

I’ve read the article about the possible parking garage.

I am also aware of the fact that ETSU would have to raise tuition to help pay for this new facility.

Once again, I wonder how many students who live on campus would camp their vehicles on the first few levels.

I am not interested in having more money come out of my pocket just to go sightseeing through a parking garage.

-Clay Oaks
