Welcome, new and returning students! By this time, I hope each of you has begun to settle into your residence hall, apartment, or off-campus housing.

If you haven’t as of yet, I am sure it will come with time. I hope you have found our campus — your campus — welcoming in the first days of classes.

We have gathered at this time in this specific place to make a difference.  Some have flown from the far corners of the Earth, others have driven from across the region, and even more have walked from just down the street. All have come for a common purpose — betterment.

Whether it is for the betterment of ourselves, our families, our region, our world or some combination thereof, we have come here to do better. We are united by our dreams of a more prosperous tomorrow, our passion for the advancement of our passion.

While you may encounter a point of view that is spectacularly different than your own, we are all members of the ETSU family united under the rallying cry of “Go Bucs!” I encourage each of you to seek out the diversity that exists around you and to learn from those who have a unique experience and background to share. It shouldn’t be too hard as no one shares the same culture, ability or worldview.

This education is, in my opinion, just as important as what you will learn in your academic classes.

One way you may seek this out is to join a student organization. It may be a fraternity or sorority, a service organization, an academic organization, a special interest group or a religious or spiritual club. You may choose to become a regular attendee at Buccaneer athletic events. Whatever it is, just get involved. The relationships you will build with your fellow students will foster personal and professional growth. Don’t waste this wonderful opportunity you have been given! I hope to see you around campus!

Make the best of the time you have here. It will pass more quickly than you realize. Open your mind to learning and open your heart to understanding as you begin or continue your educational journey. Thank you and Go Bucs!


M. Dalton Collins


Student Government Association
