ETSU’s Student Government Association passed a bill to make senators more accessible to the student body in response to the negative student outcry that followed the SGA’s decision to support the return of football.
The bill contained a proposal to create a web page where all of the senators’ information would be stored in case a student needs to contact them.
“After the football outcry … I got into a discussion with some of the people who were upset,” said Sen. Lucas Hitechew, a co-sponsor of the bill. “When I asked them ‘why didn’t you just contact a senator,’ they told me the only information they could find was the executives’.”
Hitechew thought this was a valid concern, so he gathered with other senators to write the legislation that would combine senators’ full names, email addresses, and titles onto one page so students could contact them directly.
Sen. Chrys Barker also spoke in support of this bill. “I think this is a great idea. We should be able to be reached by all our constituents.”
The bill passed by a vote of 18-4-0.
Sen. Elizabeth Triplett spoke against the bill. “I talk to my constituents. I talk to people. I seek out advice. Maybe if there was a separate email account for senators, this would be OK … but I’m not trying to get attacked by the student body for something I stood up for because obviously I’m representing students I have talked to. I’m not going to state my own personal opinion in here without that.”
The SGA also passed a bill that would shorten the amount of time a guest has to notify the board ahead of time to speak at a meeting. The guest now has to notify the vice president only 24 hours in advance instead of 72. This does not guarantee the guest a spot.
Among the first readings was a bill that proposes painting the raised crosswalks ETSU school colors: navy blue and old gold. The paint previously used for the crosswalks has been deemed a ‘trip hazard’ when wet, requiring the crosswalks to be repainted regardless.
The other bills SGA will discuss next week include a possible fix to the pothole on J.L. Seehorn Jr. Road, the creation of a multicultural center, and a request for president Noland to create a committee for the organization that represents the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community. 
