To the readers of the East Tennessean:

Growing up my parents always told me “College will be the fastest four years of your life.” I always denied that because how could something so sweet fly by so fast?

Three years later and here I sit, at my desk, writing one of my last pieces for the East Tennessean and looking ahead at graduation this fall. I’m not leaving yet! I still have another semester in Johnson City and then it’s on to the real world.

When I stepped foot on campus in the fall of 2021, I never thought I would be where I am today. I was one of those freshmen that mainly stayed in their dorm, kept their head low and just pushed through classes and assignments. It wasn’t until I took Media Writing with Don Armstrong that I truly understood what opportunities were ahead of me. Little did I know, the following semester would change the course of my time at ETSU.

One of my very first assignments for the East Tennessean was covering the grand reveal of the Martin Center’s first Broadway series. I remember sitting among distinguished faculty at the Grand Gala event and thinking to myself “How did I end up here!?” Through the guidance of Allison Winters and the mentorship of Don Armstrong, I would find myself being selected as executive editor for the 2023-24 academic year that following May.

Serving as executive editor has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The freshman that walked on campus in 2021 did not think he’d be in this position at all. This position has been nothing but short of rewarding. I have had the chance to collaborate with all sorts of organizations across campus and lead two new initiatives for the publication.

Photo of Connor Lute. (Contributed/LinkedIn)

Additionally, I have had the chance to see our staff grow and blossom into outstanding reporters, photographers, editors and designers. It is such an honor to watch my peers continue to grow their journalistic abilities and explore the opportunities media has to offer.

Filling in for Allison Winters was not an easy thing to do. Allison had done so much for the publication during the two years she served as executive editor. I know that I have lived up to her expectations and I know that my successor will continue the legacy my predecessors have set.

Macy Strader is an absolute gem of a person and amazing leader. I have full faith and trust in her to continue meeting the expectations of the publication and striving for excellence in journalism. She has grown so much in her two years of being a news reporter and I know that she’ll showcase her talent through her new position.

So, what’s next for me? In two weeks, I begin a 12-week internship for Nissan Motor Corporation in Franklin, Tennessee. I will be working alongside marketing and communications professionals for the globally recognized manufacturer. I attribute one of the main reasons I received this internship to the East Tennessean. The position I have held for the past year has elevated me to new heights and allowed me to showcase my talents.

After my internship, I return to ETSU to finish out the remainder of my classes and graduate in December. I am looking forward to seeing what accomplishments Macy will make in her role and seeing the new heights she’ll take the East Tennessean to.

I owe all my success to the East Tennessean. I would not be here today without the continued support of the publication and to you, the reader.
