ETSU students are preparing for the beginning of a new year, and SGA president Hunter Turgeon explains there is more to look forward to this year than just new classes. 

Turgeon, who became involved in SGA last fall and was elected as president this spring, has big plans for all of ETSU’s students going into the 2024-25 school year. His plans for this year center around student needs and involvement. 

“One goal that continues to shine through is campus culture and traditions. There are so many ideas that fall under this goal. The Bucky Statue, Football Field Takeover, ‘Blue-Out’ at the WCU game, and the Pool Party just to name a few,” Turgeon said. 

Another goal for Turgeon is to make internships more accessible to all students on campus. Giving students of all majors the opportunity to get course credits for internships is something SGA is continuing to work towards. 

Evaluating the need for the CSCI 1100 course is also something SGA is working on this semester. 

“The class itself has been restructured, but now we want to see if it should really be required for all majors to take the course,” Turgeon said. 

Putting the needs and voices of students first is something Turgeon focuses on when creating plans for the year. Expanding resources and involvement to help every student be successful this year is SGA’s ultimate goal.

(Contributed/@hunterturgeonnn Instagram)

“With a record 3,400 students on campus this semester, I hope that every student is able to contribute towards a culture we have never seen before,” Turgeon said. “I hope this involvement will lead to a strong sense of belonging for all students.” 

Turgeon encourages any students with questions or ideas for what can be done on campus to reach out to SGA. 

“I am a huge advocate for being available to the students. I want everyone to know that I am here for them and students are always welcome to reach out to me. This is our university and oftentimes the student body has the next great idea for our campus,” Turgeon said.

Any students interested in becoming involved in SGA can reach out to for more information on how to join.
