As part of Welcome Week, Campus Recreation and ETSU’s Student Government Association hosted a Pool Party on Aug. 27 from 6-8 p.m. at the CPA. The event featured a Sports Club, Recreation and Wellness Showcase and free food and raffles for students.

Photo of the food truck at the Campus Recreation and SGA pool party. (Alayna Lyon/East Tennessean)

Kari Albarado, director of campus recreation, shared that free funnel cake and fried Oreos were provided by a local food truck, The Yum Yum Truck. Free event t-shirts were given away along with raffle prizes ranging from coolers to an ETSU corn hole set. The event also included a DJ and outside games for students. Students swimming in the pool enjoyed LED lights and floats.

This year marks the second Campus Rec and SGA Pool Party, making another successful collaboration between the two. “We really appreciate the partnership from SGA on this, we couldn’t do it without them,” said Albarado.

Photo of Tom Warren and Marley Tanner at the pool party. (Alayna Lyon/East Tennessean)

Albarado is excited about this year’s new opportunity for students to meet members of sports clubs. “Adding the sports club showcase to get students connected with sports club organizations is a new component that I think will help students in Welcome Week,” said Albarado. “If they’re looking to play a higher level than intramural sports, that’ll give them a great opportunity.”

This year, ETSU has the most Sport Club organizations, with over 20, shared Albarado. “It’s a huge accomplishment. Students are really understanding that these are student-led, student-ran,” said Albarado.

Students are encouraged to work with CPA Assistant Director Trey Potter to begin sports clubs not offered. “There’s always the ability to create and found a team,” said Albarado.

This semester, Campus Rec has planned numerous events including a Swifties Spin Class featuring music from Taylor Swift. A schedule of events and more information are available on the CPA’s website.
