As the new school year starts, PartyBucs is back, but with a whole new meaning and purpose. ETSU’s PartyBucs introduces itself as an organization that is for students’ mental health and safety while still throwing thrilling parties.

“As an organization, PartyBucs wants to be known for the community we have and are continuing to build. We want students to feel safe in the party environment we have created for them,” states Ariana Abordo, PartyBucs president.

In building their community, PartyBucs has an exciting semester ahead of them. Through different events, PartyBucs wants to give students a safe relaxed way to meet new friends and find their community.

“As the new year starts, PartyBucs is looking forward to further building and strengthening our community. We hope to do so through our bi-weekly meetings, team-building activities and all the events planned for this semester, which are open to the entire student body,” Abordo states.

(Contributed/@wearepartybucs Instagram)

Among college campuses, the party scene has its pros and cons, one of the cons being a lack of safety. At ETSU, PartyBucs wants to make a difference with their safe party environment, which unfortunately lost its meaning over the years.

“We are choosing to rebrand because we don’t want to just be known for our parties. We know how to throw a good party, but what else? This organization was built to redefine the collegiate party scene–to bring awareness of students’ mental health, self-care, and substance abuse–but in building our name, some of that got lost,” Abordo said. “We want to bring the ‘raising awareness’ aspect to the forefront while providing students with that safe environment to party.”

Advocating awareness on this issue is their number one priority in addition to their focus on substance abuse. With this rebrand, PartyBucs is striving for a healthier and safer student life.

“We hope the students of ETSU can find a home here in PartyBucs and that when they party with us they ‘Party with a Purpose’,” Abordo states.

For more information, follow @wearepartybucs on Instagram or email
