Is it even Welcome Week without Campus Roundup? On Friday, Aug. 30, student organizations, clubs, ETSU services and more took to the Pride Walk for the annual Campus Roundup. This event allowed new and current students to get involved and make an impact on campus.

“The purpose of the event is to welcome students to campus and introduce them to opportunities to get involved through their academic major or department,” said Carter Warden, director of student activities and organization.

This year’s Campus Roundup was the highest it’s been with 720 participants. Different groups such as Speech and Debate Teams, Mock Trial, Anthropology and many more tabled to give students insight into what each organization offers. Campus Roundup allows students to make new friends, connections and to find a campus home within these organizations.

Warden mentions the importance of this event is to shed light on the clubs and organizations that do not fit into the genres of sports clubs, fraternity and sorority life and service groups.

Photo taken at the ETSU 2024 Campus Roundup. (Alex Holbrooks/East Tennessean)

Kendall Robertson, a member of the Speech and Debate Team, shared information about what the team has to offer, along with how Campus Roundup is beneficial for their organization. Robertson mentioned that the team focuses on developing speech skills while competing in state, regional and national tournaments. Roberston and the team rounded up students Friday who were eager to join and find community on campus.

“We tabled last year and this year, and it helps get our name out to new incoming students and other people who think they were not qualified to do this. Overall, building a community around improving our communication is the goal of this team,” shared Robertson.

Between student and office organizations and bull riding, Campus Roundup is a great way for students to involved and further their academic and career plans and goals. Get ready to roundup and join next year!
