The Diverse Characters Book Club offers a safe space to engage in conversations surrounding challenging and taboo topics. “Let us Descend” by Jesmyn Ward is the book chosen for this fall. 

“The library wanted to do more with diversity, equity and inclusion,” said Lydia Gwyn, student engagement and instruction coordinator for the Sherrod Library. “This book club was started by another librarian and it came out of the desire to engage more with DEI.” Gwyn also mentions that the club helps gain comradery with other students

The club will meet twice this semester, on Sept. 11 and Nov. 13, both at 5 p.m. Meetings will be in Sherrod Library room 309 with an option to join on Zoom.

“This fall has been our largest with about 45 people signed up,” said Jonathan Wilson, outreach and distance coordinator.

There will be 30 free copies of the book, paid for by the student activity fees, provided for the first 30 members signed up. Other members can access the book through the Libby app, or purchase a copy through Amazon or your favorite bookstore.

Photo of the fall read “Let us Descend” by Jesmyn Ward. (Contributed/Scribner)

The first meeting will focus on building excitement and receiving copies of the book. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. 

The second meeting will host the discussion of the book and a deep-dive into the hard topics presented by the novel. Anyone who has read the book is welcome to attend. 

“For some students, it is learning about other students’ diverse backgrounds and maybe even their heritage,” said Wilson.

To join, scan the QR code for the Diverse Character Book Club from the TVs in the Sherrod Library. You can also visit the Sherrod Library website and click student resources and student clubs. 

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If the book club isn’t for you, the Sherrod Library also offers the Coffee and Creative Writing Club, game nights, Student Advisory Council and Craft Hangouts. Visit @etsusherrodlibrary on Instagram for more information.
